Welcome to the Fresno County Department of Public Health Birth and Death Certificate online ordering system. 


The Fresno County Department of Public Health, Vital Statistics only has records on file for Births and Deaths that occurred in Fresno County, CA and only maintains records for 2 years from the date of birth or death (Health and Safety Code 102365).  If you are requesting a record older than 24 months, contact the Fresno County Recorder at https://www.co.fresno.ca.us/departments/recorder.


Birth Certificates 

  1. The registrant (person listed on the certificate) or a parent or legal guardian of the registrant.
  2. A party entitled to receive the record as a result of a court order, or an attorney or a licensed adoption agency seeking the birth record in order to comply with the requirements of Section 3140 or 7603 of the Family Code.
  3. A member of law enforcement agency or a representative of another government agency, as provided by law, who is conducting official business.  Companies representing a government agency must provide authorization from the government agency.
  4. A child, grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister, spouse, or domestic partner of the registrant.
  5. An attorney representing the registrant or the registrant’s estate or any person or agency empowered by statute or appointed by a court to act on behalf of the registrant or the registrant’s estate. (If you are requesting a Certified Copy under a power of attorney, please include a copy of the power of attorney with this application form.)


New Birth Certificates 

  • Certificates for new births typically take up to 3-4 weeks to become available.  The certificate must be registered by the local registrar’s office and the California Department of Public Health Vital Records prior to issuance.


Death Certificates 

  1. Child/Sibling of Registrant (Or a relative described in HSC §7100 (a)(1)-(8))
  2. Grandparent/Grandchild of Registrant
  3. Authorized by Court Order (Include copy of the court order)
  4. Parent/Legal Guardian of Registrant (Must provide documentation)
  5. An Agent or Employee of a Funeral Establishment (Acting within the scope of the employment and on behalf of persons specified in HSC §7100 (a)(1)-(8))
  6. Power of Attorney/Executor of the Registrant's Estate (Include a copy of the power of attorney or documentation identifying you as executor)
  7. Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner of Registrant
  8. Attorney Representing Registrant or Registrant's Estate
  9. Law Enforcement/Gov. Agency (Conducting Official Business)
  10. Surviving Next of Kin (specified in HSC §7100)

  • Certificates for recent death typically take up to 1-2 weeks to become available.  The certificate must be registered by the local registrar’s office and the California Department of Public Health Vital Records prior to issuance.

  • To receive a Certified Informational Copy you will select "Informational Copy" in the Relationship Field of the application.

Delivery Options:

        • USPS: United States Postal Service (not trackable)
        • UPS Next Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (variable pricing, includes tracking number)
        • UPS 2nd Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (variable pricing, includes tracking number)
        • International - UPS Worldwide Express® (Covers more than 130 countries and territories) (variable pricing, includes tracking number)


To begin the order process, click on the links on the left


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The Following Vital Records May Be Requested Online:
Certified Birth Certificate $29.00 each
Certified Death Certificate $24.00 each


*An additional non-refundable $4 service fee and credit card processing fee will be applied to all online orders
*An additional non-refundable $0.35 Vital Verify fee will be applied to all Delivery orders

Delivery Options

Standard Shipping - Regular USPS

Please allow up to 7 business days for your document to be delivered to you


UPS Next Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (includes tracking number)

variable pricing

UPS 2nd Day Air® (covers all 50 states and Puerto Rico) (includes tracking number)

variable pricing

International - UPS Worldwide Express® (Covers more than 130 countries and territories) ( includes tracking number)

variable pricing


Standard Shipping is provided at no cost to the applicant as a courtesy of Fresno County Department of Public Health.  Shipping is through the USPS. Please allow 7-10 business days for shipping after the application has been approved.

No REFUNDS or REPRINTS will be issued for certificates lost in the mail, (Health and Safety Code 103525).

For More Information, Contact:

Fresno County Department of Public Health
1221 Fulton St.
Fresno, CA 93721


Phone: 559-600-3310
Fax: 559-600-7605


For Technical Support, Contact:

Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com